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Writer's pictureSage Wellness House

Little glimmers

The importance of the little things

Life today is stressful.  Not like the stress of thousands of years ago. In most places in the world today we are not worried about a lion or bear hungrily sneaking into our cave while we sleep. I’m talking about chronic stress. You know, the stress of good grades, losing 20 pounds, paying for childcare, going to work, after school activities and keeping up with friends when we are just so tired and don’t have the energy to leave the house.  Chronic stress, nagging stress, stress that wasn’t around when we were sleeping in our cave.  If you have worked with me during the past few years, you know that I am a believer in the little things and have the little things to look forward to.  I love big things to look forward to, but keeping it real, those big things seem to be few and far between.  The little things bring us joy too just in smaller more consistent doses.  Who couldn’t use a little “happy” every day. 

If you aren’t being mindful of the little things or the “glimmers” (opposite of triggers) do you really notice them?  Ok, so try it.  How you might ask?  Well, I got you.  It won’t take up your time, won’t cause you more stress and certainly can be done without swiping your card. 

Let’s start with daily.  Think of one thing you enjoy doing that is quick, free and requires no trip to the store.  A good homemade cup of coffee, listen to a 10-minute TED Talk, dance around the kitchen.  Your choice, the only rule is it has to be something you enjoy.  Now that you have that figured out, see to it.  Schedule it if you must, set an alarm on your phone, let the people who live with you know you need a few uninterrupted minutes.  Get in the practice of doing your one thing every day.

Once you have that down or if you are feeling adventurous, add one bigger thing on a weekly basis.  I’m talking 30 minutes minimum.  This could be a walk, a phone call with someone whom you really enjoy talking to, (better yet a meal), reading a book or working on a hobby. Again, schedule it if need be, to help keep yourself accountable. This is important.  Your self-care is important.

You may have guessed it but now consider adding another activity once a month.  This one follows the trend and should be something a little more.  A date night, a picnic, a short road trip, an overnight visit with someone who feeds your soul. 

If you are feeling like this is adding more to your plate, then you might not have found the things that truly bring you enjoyment.  Get silly with it.  Above all make it a priority.  Having these glimmers or things to look forward to on purpose are not selfish, they truly are self-care.  They are a way to feel a little bit of relaxation and happiness in this stressful world.  Allow yourself to indulge just a little.  Trust me you deserve it and you might feel a little better too!

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